manual-positioning controls
Method | Description |
Button(Rect, String, String) | Show a button that execute something immediately. |
Label(Rect, String, String) | Show a label. |
Toggle(Rect, Boolean, String) | Show a toggle(check-box). |
HoverButton(Rect, String, String) | Show a button inside a Rect. |
Slider(Rect, Double, Double, Double, String) | Show a horizontal slider that user can drag to select a value. |
VSlider(Rect, Double, Double, Double, String) | Show a vertical slider that user can drag to select a value. |
ToggleButton(Rect, String, Boolean, String) | Show a button that acts like a toggle. |
PolygonButton(Rect, IReadOnlyList<Point>, Rect, String, String) | Show a converx polygon button. |
Image(Rect, String, String) | Show a image. |
auto-layout controls
Method | Description |
Button(String, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a button that execute something immediately. |
Label(String, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a label. |
Toggle(Boolean, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a toggle(check-box). |
HoverButton(String, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a button inside a Rect. |
Slider(Size, Double, Double, Double, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a horizontal slider that user can drag to select a value. |
VSlider(Size, Double, Double, Double, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a vertical slider that user can drag to select a value. |
ToggleButton(String, Boolean, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a button that acts like a toggle. |
PolygonButton(IReadOnlyList<Point>, Rect, String, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a converx polygon button. |
Image(String, String, LayoutOption[]) | Show a image. |
layout containers
Method | Description |
BeginHorizontal(LayoutOption[]) | Begin a horizontal layout group. |
EndHorizontal() | End a horizontal layout group. |
BeginVertical(LayoutOption[]) | Begin a vertical layout group. |
EndVertical() | End a vertical layout group. |
layout options
Method | Description |
Width(Double) | Set the width of a control. |
Height(Double) | Set the height of a control. |
ExpandWidth(Boolean) | Set whether the width of a control should be expanded to occupy as much space as possible. |
ExpandHeight(Boolean) | Set whether the height of a control should be expanded to occupy as much space as possible. |
StretchWidth(Int32) | Set the factor when expanding the width of a control. |
StretchHeight(Int32) | Set the factor when expanding the height of a control. |
layout helpers
Method | Description |
Space(Double) | Put a fixed-size space inside a layout group. |
FlexibleSpace() | Put a expanded space inside a layout group. |